Secure Shared Screening Links

Secure Shared Screening Links

With our Recommendations feature, one-click screening links with additional options (such as view restrictions, implicit access to embargoed content, 2FA validation) can be targeted to anyone – whether they’re already a user of the client platform or not. Trigger screening recommendations through various methods: choose a single title instantly, curate multiple titles for sending screening links with key art and product info, or send a direct link to a specific screener akin to video sharing platforms. Each recipient will get immediate access to their individual screening link via the email, or at any time in their logged-in client dashboard. Track everything from open-rates to link-clicks and view-time with our automated analytics. We ensure secure screening by applying validity period or view limits, sign-in-to-access restrictions, and visible watermarking – all adaptable on a case-by-case basis.

Secure Shared Screening Links

Email format

Utilize the customized template for recommendation emails that we setup according to your corporate CI with your logo, color scheme and terminology. Alternatively, generate a direct link to embed in a current email thread.

Recipient management

Address large lists of recipients easily by precompiling recipient groups or pasting a comma-separated list of emails. Each recipient will receive an individual email with their own clicks and time limits – and no ability to see who else received the email. Optionally, integrate Recommendations into your current CRM so that your sales team can send links straight from that system.